I am natural and I only co-wash on a daily basis, I was thinking about using hair polisher for sheen, but people on natural sites have me concerned about silicone keeping moisture from my hair and needing to use harsh shampoos to remove build up, which I think I don't experience anyway. I don't see how it would keep moisture from my hair because my hair gets wet everyday, what do you think?
Celeste Green
Dear Celeste,
You really have to be careful about what you believe that you find on the internet because EVERYBODY is a hair expert now and they are not speaking from experience. My products, which I use DAILY have had silicone in them for over 10 years and the "natural hair blog" people are wrong about the moisture not being able to get into the hair. If that was the case I would not use them and my hair would not be as long as it is now. I also use only UBH Cleansing Shampoo and it is not harsh at all.
Ignore the foolishness. They have no basis for what they are claiming.
Cathy Howse
The internet is FULL of Experts who have little to no experience except YouTube Video Tutorials!
Picture compliments of Kinky Chicks
Finding healthiest hair! This is one of the big benefits of natural hair care products. Because the ingredients forgo chemicals and stick with nature, they simply create less damage to the environment.